People say
“Caroline helped me to grow and I thank her for that. "
"I’m so glad you’re not a scratchy cardigan sort of therapist."
"Caroline, walked by my side for over three years. I always pushed myself to the limits and needed to find my voice during times of conflict and crisis. Caroline has helped me cultivate a field of kindness towards myself, nurture my shadows in a safe and loving way, communicate my needs to others in a clear and effective way and set boundaries on what I will take and not take. From weekly sessions to fortnightly sessions on line and then through turbulent political situations, whenever I could get a connection, Caroline was there to hold me and create a safe space to express myself free from judgement and acknowledge what I was doing well. My relationship towards myself, my family, my colleagues and friends have become more meaningful and deeper through this process of development. I keep her poems, her haikus, her love of Leonard Cohen deep in my heart and take these with me when I need them most.""
IF (INGO Director)
"Caroline: a unique and outstanding therapist offering support, clarity and insight to aid recovery and repair. I worked with her for over twenty-five years and would not be where I am now - rooted, calm and boundaried - without her help and guidance. Priceless."
HG (Retired History Professor - Champion of girls)
Caroline's simple but powerful approach distilled over three decades of experience calmed my tired mind and helped me to make sense of the bigger picture. I am a different person because of Caroline; her wisdom, kindness and understanding has changed my life and set me on a new path.
C W - (Yoga Psychotherapist & So Much More)
Caroline, a haiku writing devotee of kindness and clarity.
SR (Movement & Being Here Teacher)
Caroline has helped me substantially bring things down from the mind to the body. In that, my courage to connect to other humans in richer ways has expanded. I'm also doing better connecting to cats and dogs these days, which is a nice bonus :). I started to express myself artistically again, which I had not done in many years. As a therapist, working with Caroline has had a great impact in my work. I am more comfortable and confident welcoming the client's emotions, even when that emotion is uncomfortable for both. There is, overall, more room for feeling and I am really glad to have got to a bigger room for feeling with Caroline's gentle and precious guiding.
PO (Pyscologist/Psycotherapist)
I’ve seen Caro face greater challenges than most, with more utter surrender and compassion than most. Whatever you may be struggling with, she will be the wisest and kindest of allies, offering years of therapeutic experience, deep psychological insight, intuition and empathy.
CB (NVC & Dynamic Movement Practitioner – Ongoing Groups & Retreats)
Caroline is a rare gem, someone who has dwelled in the depths of despair and the furnace of pain, with an unparalleled grace and wisdom. She is also funny and delicious. She brought our group the gift of absolute encouragement - and modelling - to be real, and for that I can't appreciate her enough.
PM (Psychosexual Psychotherapist & Trainer)
Caro's soulful depth is generous, courageous and unflinching. She has a capacity to dwell longer and travel further in harder places than most of us can bear, and we are graced that she so lovingly returns from them to bear witness, and keep company in those places, ways that matter. There is great power in Caro's hard-earned and fierce tenderness. She is also bold, and humorous, and lovely.
Emma PB (Psychotherapist/Writer/Group Therapist/Teacher)